Monday, 20 July 2009

The new old young Doctor Who

The new Doctor's outfit was revealed today ending months of speculation by fans about the direction the new production team would go in. Twitter is pretty lively at the moment with everyone commenting on the new style. Here's what some people are saying...

Emohoho: "So Doctor Who's new look is Indiana Jones's lecturer attire?"

FacennaFineArt: "Oh good grief - please tell me the 'new Doctor Who costume reveal' is a hoax!!? 8-O"

gdorrian: "He looks like the doctor who would operate on Dexy's Midnight Runners"

Astroair: "Was hoping he'd be gothy, not tweedy, but still cool"

mistercrozer: "They've given the new Doctor Who a bow tie. All credibility has just gone out the window. He looks like that goon who presents Bargain Hunt."

arconic: "Not sure about the new Doctor Who outfit, looks like a dorky music teacher. New companion is teh hot though."

zozrat: "Hey, Doctor Who! George Lamb called, he wants his outfit back."

A mixed reaction so far, with more people than I was expecting not loving it. I myself do. I think it's inspired. I'm presuming it's deliberate, but with all the criticism (mainly from long-term fans) about the age of the new Doctor (he is the youngest actor to play the part), it seems fitting that they've dressed him rather like a doddery old librarian. It's so very Doctor Who. Young and old at the same time.

Filming of the new series starts filming today in Cardiff.

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